"Last year we launched An Ignatian Prayer Adventure, an eight-week online adaptation of the Spiritual Exercises. As we draw close to Lent 2013, I invite you to participate again or for the first time.
Guest bloggers Michelle Francl-Donnay and Greg Herrle will share their experiences with the retreat this year through posts here on dotMagis.
Look for Michelle’s posts on Tuesdays.
Greg’s posts will appear on Thursdays.
Here’s what one of last year’s participants, Patrick Nugent, said about the experience:
I had the most powerful, enjoyable, challenging, uplifting Lent of my life. I owe it to following your Lenten retreat, “An Ignatian Prayer Adventure.” I followed it more or less faithfully daily and to the letter. And as a consequence, I’ve had an equally joyful Easter.The retreat begins on the Sunday before Ash Wednesday, February 10, and concludes the week after Easter."
I'm not familiar with Greg, but Michelle is a good friend, an elegant writer ~ and a contemplative chemist! I am sure that the two of them will invite us into a deeply thoughtful Lenten journey.
(*blush*) Thanks for the shout-out!