Monday, October 5, 2015

A Congregation Comes to a Close - 3: Anything Going Right?

What's going well?
That was the first question our consultant asked us yesterday when the congregation met for a conversation over a potluck luncheon. 
It seemed that each of the four round tables of people came up with one similar answer: We are all still coming.
True enough.  Attendance has not dropped at all.
And, I added, people are still doing the work that needs to be done.  We still have ushers and communion servers and liturgists and Powerpoint operators.   And people made lunch!
Perhaps lethargy.  Perhaps denial.
But, on the whole, I think folks really do want to be together as they have been for as long as they can.


  1. Oh, Robin...this Such a difficult job for someone who has only been with this congregations for a short while. I ask a blessing of grace and wisdom for the task to be upon you for the next few months...

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