Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday Freedom (and Daily Photo 25)

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Cleveland Heights

Idea here.  I'm taking the day off from the internet in all its guises, from the tv (well, except perhaps for one little late afternoon addiction I've developed), from the phone unless someone calls me who might have something urgent to convey (and there are only five such people), from any and all things electronic.

I'm so taking a media Sabbath Day that I'm writing this the day before and listening to tomorrow's Pray As You Go tonight.

The photo is from my walk a couple of mornings ago. I got so interested in the various arches and shadows of this church down the road that I ended up peering in an open window.  I can count the times I've been inside: once many years ago for the funeral of a 13-year-old girl, and once more recently for the funeral of an elderly lawyer and former mentor of mine, once to hear Martin Marty speak, and several times over a period of weeks for an evening course on Meister Eckhart.  It's nice to get a glimpse when the day is still and without distractions.

Like mine tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. blessings on this sabbath day, may it be rich for you.
