Monday, February 14, 2011

Quote of the Day

I'm trying to live my life so that when I read my biography in later years I don't puke.

~ Paris Geller


  1. I. Love. Paris.

    Also Rory and Lorelei. My daughter and I watched that show obsessively for its entire seven seasons.

  2. I have recently developed a tremendous appreciation for Paris.

  3. I'm sorry I don't know the reference, but I do know that your life is well lived and there will be no future puking.

  4. Paris is Rory's friend in Gilmore Girls, Karen. A young lady with lots of money, impossibly neglectful parents, a brilliant mind, tremendous (and sometimes Machiavellian)determination, a deplorable lack of tact, and a penchant for dramatic meltdowns in the face of life's inevitable setbacks. She's quite wonderful.

  5. Oh I LOVE Paris! Erin and I watched the Gilmore Girls together all the time. The DVDs got us through countless hours of chemo, while lying in bed together drinking cherry coke and eating cheetoes. The whole orange-fingered experience while watching Rory's and Lorelei's lives unfold... ah, memories.
