Friday, May 28, 2010

This Is So Weird (plus Daily Photo 6: Cross)

I have cleaned out two dressers and hung some pictures and done four loads of laundry and played around online and .  .  .   there's no rush at all.  

I can plan to spend the entire week-end in the yard (which looks like the jungle) with lengthy breaks to hang out with my brother and his wife, who may come to visit  . . . and there's no rush at all.

However long it takes to do something is how long I have.


  1. uhm...I know that exact same feeling...trying not to panic, though on my end, as so many aspects are taking their sweet time...BUT for you, many blessings as you relish this time.

  2. Makes me so glad to read this, Robin! What a shift in energy it is when I realize at a deeper level that I actually DO have time... and then it becomes a gift. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. What a gift you have given yourself. I imagine, given raising three children and your demanding career, that "no rush at all" is not something you got to say very often, if, at all. Blessings and prayers.

  4. What I wouldn't give to live in THAT reality! Haven't been for, oh, about four years now. Don't expect to for another ten, or more. Sigh! Living' the dream, though...

  5. Hope it was a wonderful, restful, renewing weekend for you. You've worked so hard, and you've been through so much. Rest and unscheduled time seems such a welcome solace.
