Friday, September 10, 2010

Fall Bests - Friday Five

The real one is here, with one of the most wonderful photos I've ever seen!  This is the pretend one, from earlier today:

Well, the Friday Five isn't up yet, but there's some discussion about it, so I'm sure it will be soon.  However, I have to go out,  and I'm in the mood to post, so . . .

Best church opening event in which you've participated?

My Methodist church had a Festival of Opportunities early in September for several years running, in which every class, group, activity, etc. associated with the church presented themselves as a table in the Fellowship Hall.  Lots of conversation, lots of color and sparkle, and a few goats (Heifer Project).  

Best school opening event?

That was in January -- Tulane's opening week-end after having been closed all the Katrina fall.

Best fall activity:

Two of them: Backpacking Isle Royale in October long, long ago, and taking our kids out of elementary school for a trip to Baltimore and then to Chincoteague not quite so long ago.

Best fall color:

Williamstown MA.  

Best fall poem:

Mary Oliver's Wild Geese.

Bonus: A fall photo or painting. 

Lakeview Cemetery, Cleveland OH


  1. For me it's always Hopkins, "Margaret are you grieving / Over goldengrove unleaving."

    I never heard of Mary Oliver until I started reading RevGal blogs. I need to check out her work.

  2. I love Wild Geese. Beautiful poem.

  3. Festival of Opportunity is a great title! Love it...and, well, you know how much I love Mary Oliver and esp. Wild Geese - I think I post that poem at least once a year. Just because it's so fabulous.....

  4. I can't imagine Isle Royale in October. My son spent 2 weeks there in July/August and said it was cold, especially at night! And yes, Tulane's reopening was certainly something to be celebrated!

  5. ddi you eat at the place in Williamstown where all the sandwiches were named after people... we loved that place after a trip to the Clark Art Insitute.
