Thursday, October 3, 2013

Another Sabbatical

Lots of stuff going downhill these days. 
I'm thinking: a lot more silence, a lot more reading, a lot more walking (foot finally ok after a bruise has kept me mostly off it for a month.)
Unfortunately, I am finally getting away to a pastors' conference next week and really, a large crowd of people? - the very last thing I need at the moment.  Oh, well.
Look for maybe some photos, and maybe not.
Apples: Ashland County Farm Tour last week-end.


  1. One thing about Pastor's conferences is you can always just spend time in your room reading. (Do you get your own room?) Or show up at the learning opportunity and then leave quietly once it has started and go for a walk/sleep/read in your room. I always give myself permission to leave, it seems the only real pastoral response to a Pastor at a Pastor's Conference.

  2. Prayers for time for rest and reflection and silence!

    I love the autumn colours on your blog!
