Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Two Years Ordained Today!

Fall 2005 - Opening conversation at the beginning of the Spiritual Exercises, taking place in a small office at John Carroll University, where I am taking a course on Ignatian spirituality and have decided to dive in and make the Exercises with my professor.  We barely know one another.

Me, former lawyer, teacher in Orthodox Jewish school, Presby elder: 

I'm thinking that I might be, you know, called to ordained ministry in my own denomination, but obviously that would be ridiculous, so there's no need for us to discuss it.

Spiritual director, 75-year-old Jesuit: 

Umm hmm.


  1. Robin, congratulations on this anniversary! Blessings and prayers as you move to the church where God has called you to serve.

  2. Such wisdom!

    Congratulations and abundant blessings to you.
