Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Just One More . . .

. . . post on the exam topic and then I'm finished.

We received our papers, with scores and comments today. I am feeling much better because the numbers and especially the comments on the theology and worship exams are embarrassingly flattering. (Although there is one mid-range score and a very funny comment by one of the readers on one of the worship questions ~ at least it would be quite humorous to anyone who knows me.)

When I looked at the Hebrew Exegesis exam, I caught my breath -- and suddenly understood. I had completely blocked out the fact that the passage on which we were required to write was the story of Elijah's restoration of a widow's son to life. Completely blocked out that entire exam.

Some of you readers may remember from another blog that I was completely thrown by that passage. In fact, I spent the entire first day trying to decide whether to switch to Greek, to stick with the Hebrew and make a stab at it, or to just give up and go home. Guess I should have chosen door number three -- but I didn't. And my decision made for a heavy and painful week and, apparently, an even less than mediocre paper.

So . . . I'm thinking now that the quality of my work was affected by my emotional state far more than I realized. And there's probably a valuable bit of information in there: there are some passages that I have no business going anywhere near for at least the next few years. Maybe forever.

It was an expensive lesson ~ but then, aren't they all these days?

I think I'll just re-read the comments I'm too modest (Ha!) to post.


  1. It's a gift when we make these connections, isn't it? Sorry you have to take the exam again.

  2. As a curious Lutheran, do you have to take all the parts of the exam again, or just the Hebrew?

  3. I'm so happy to hear the lightness in your writing voice here. As you explain what happened, it makes perfect sense. It provides interesting insight, too. I have full confidence in you and your abilities.

  4. Elaine -- what a nightmarish proposition! No, only the Exegesis.

  5. Well, that explains it. Very easy to understand how that passage could throw you off. It always feels better when there's an explanation.

  6. really? I can't believe, with all the available resources for translations and exegesis that they really care that much about how you do a Hebrew (or Greek) exegesis. I can understand scripture exegesis, but not language....well. you'll be fine. and yes, ever more mindful of how challenging some of it will be for a time to come.

  7. I'd like to hear the embarrassingly flattering comments ;-)

  8. Just catching up on last few posts ... even tho' it's understandable, I'm sorry you have to re-take the one ... And, CONGRATULATIONS on passing the other 3 (my re-take was polity!) Like QG I'd love to hear the comments. (((Robin)))

  9. Well, as awful as the prospect of re-taking is.... at least this makes sense in some way. I remember thinking, "Come on, God, seriously?" when you shared the selection initially. God go with you into the next one, dear friend. Don't lose sight of the fact of your tremendous accomplishment in the other exams!
