Thursday, April 7, 2011

Too Much Adventure for Me

Acute and quite terrifying onset of double vision yesterday.

May I NOT recommend a sleepover at The Clinic, complete with CAT scan, MRI, and a House-like team of neurologists surrounding your bed to start the next day?

No aneurysm, no tumor, no stroke. In fact I am a remarkably healthy person according to all kinds of tests, except for probably a damaged nerve to the eye.

So another appointment with a neuro-opthamologist next week, a hope that this will resolve itself, and a Moshe Dayan fashion look.  Everything is very much double, but the literally blinding headache is gone.

Posting and response to emails will be light.   This post alone has been quite a challenge!


  1. Sending love and prayers for healing. {{{Robin}}}

  2. Not the way to spend the night, no, no, and no.


  3. I am so sorry to hear this, and so glad the headache is gone. Unbearable. Hope they get to the source, fix you up and that you are better soon. Sending love and prayers too.

  4. Oh my goodness Robin!! I'm so sorry to hear this. Sending prayers your way - Stat!

  5. Hugs to you and so sorry you're going through this. My brother in law went through something similar in Fall, and he is (was and is) just fine now. But it was super scary!

    I'm glad you're so close to really good health care facilities!!

  6. I had a similar experience. The only explanation, and it only happened once (thankfully!) was an occular migraine. Hopefully your next visit will be as benign as mine was.

  7. Bless you, I hope you are feeling better!

  8. Yikes! How much does that suck!? It's amazing the things our bodies can come up with to freak us out.

    Will be sending healing vibes your way...

  9. thought something was up, since you are such a regular poster. will send a drum solo out your way this evening. Hope and Peace be with you my friend

  10. Somehow I missed this. Praying for you.
