Sunday, October 30, 2011

Ordination Bulletin ~ Gratitude Page

Much gratitude to . . . 

My husband who, when I said, “You thought you were marrying a lawyer,” responded, “Things change.”
Our three children, who have brought ~ yes, terrible sorrow, but also ~ indescribable joy into our lives
My extended family, both Craig and Williams sides ~ and most especially my father for a lifetime of love and care, and my brother David, who called every single day during the darkest of months
Our Koinonia and Porch People Friends with whom we have shared the laughter and tears of the past quarter-century
Our churches, Forest Hill, Presbyterian and Church of the Saviour (United Methodist) – pastors, staff, members, visitors, and everyone connected with them in any way, and also my new friends from University Circle Methodist Church and from InterAct Cleveland
Friends, teachers, professors, staff, colleagues, and students at Fuchs Mizrachi School, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (Cindy! ~ we could not have done this without one another), The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, The Old Stone Church, The Ignatian Spirituality Institute, and John Carroll University
The Ursuline Sisters of Brown County, The Carmelite Sisters of Cleveland Heights, and The Society of Jesus, and all connected to all of them, most especially Sister Agatha Fitzgerald, O.S.U.,   and Fathers Howard Gray, S.J., Paul Panaretos, S.J., and William Sneck, S.J.
The LIP-ers, the RevGals, and everyone else out there who has extended friendship via the written word and the internet, and via real mail (Michelle!) and gifts of glass and mosaic
Very most especially, all of the mothers who have survived the loss of beautiful and precious children  ~ Chris of Cleveland Heights and Chris of Mentor Headlands, Gal of Cincinnati, Mary of Chicago, Laura of Dayton, Karen East and Karen West ~ love to you all; you are courageous and generous and truly women of valor, and I am proud to count you among my friends
The staffs and CPMs and COMs of the Presbyteries of the Western Reserve and Muskingum Valley
All the people who have newly appeared and those who have re-appeared in my life in the past two months of unexpected challenge
Our new community:  the congregation of Nankin Federated Church
And all who have participated in this Service of Ordination.

                                                                        ~ AMDG


  1. You and the Spirit are going to fly. Blessings.

  2. It takes a village - and just LOOK at your village - the hands and hearts of the many souls who've touched your life in love and support throughout the years.
    I feel most blessed to be included in your gratitude list as a fellow survivor of the loss of a precious one. My heart reaches out to the others mentioned.

    Bless you, Robin, as you educate, comfort and minister to your flock. Oh, how fortunate they are!

    sent with love,
    from Mary of Chicago

  3. Dear Robin,
    I am an anonymous friend and prayer supporter. I have been reading your blog from the beginning of your CPE program. I've prayed with you through the death of your son, and now am joyfully celebrating the beginning of your ordained ministry.

    I graduated in 2010 with an M.Div., discerned a call to lay ministry therefor continue to do lab work, preach sometimes, sing always.

    Strength, courage, fortitude, boundaries, rest, friends, colleagues, and a huge dose of grace and Holy Spirit.

    Blessings, Susan

  4. Thanks for the love, Pastor. It touched my core. Sending it back to you!
    Karen East

  5. Humbled and grateful for the mention in your "launch ceremony." God is good, God is Love, God is with us, Thanks be to God!
    Karen "West"
