Monday, April 18, 2011

Miscellaneous Monday: Blood, Vision, Holy Week

Conversation with phlebotomist this morning:

"So, how did you get into this line of work?"

"Oh, I always wanted to draw blood!"

Raised eyebrows.

"Yes, it's what I always wanted to do.  I guess that sounds kind of weird."

"It sounds very weird."

"Well, when I was little I was sick a lot, and it seemed that no one knew how to do their jobs very well.  So I decided that I wanted to do one of those jobs and do it very well so that people weren't hurt."

Fifteen or so little vials later . . .

"You did well!  I'm so glad that you were able to turn the bad things from your childhood into something good for others."

"Oh, it wasn't so bad.  Well, actually, yes.  Yes, a lot of bad things happened."

"Thank you so much for what you learned from them."


I am actually learning how to get along with double vision.  The human brain's capacity to compensate is astounding.  I can't type with both eyes open, but I can look at you from a small distance and figure out which one is really you and which one is the extra.

Maybe I 'll be able to drive eventually.  Not yet.  Gregarious Son took me to Target yesterday and people kept appearing out of nowhere. I have no peripheral vision.  Imagine if they were cars.  Well, no - don't.


This deserves a post of its own: I discovered an amazing website yesterday.  The art ~ incredible.  If you like to pray with art, may I suggest spending some time with these paintings this week?  There's an accompanying liturgy, too, if you are more comfortable with words.


It's interesting, isn't it ~ how much you see when you think you can't?


  1. I'm glad you are adjusting to the double vision thing, but I wish more that it were going away faster! I'm amazed you can type at all.

  2. I have lived with a double vision thing for years and it is amazing what one's brain adapts to. I have never got back to driving and crossing a crowded carpark is simply dangerous but your story makes me think about and realise how much I can do that I once thought would be lost to me forever.

    May you continue to adapt and to heal. I salute your courage ... I was not as brave in the begining.

  3. I am amazed at how you have adapted and continue to press forward with life. I'd hoped it would be over before you had to learn to live with it, but you are certainly not letting it hold you back. I always knew you were a brave one. Here's more evidence.
    PS: loved your affirming conversation with the phlebotomist. Must have made his day.

  4. Her.

    A young woman who went back for training after her youngest started school.

  5. (Paraphrase Alert)

    "For those of you you with eyes to see, look at this."

    "For those of you with ears to hear, listen to this."

    I've always felt those verses were talking about something other than our physical eyes and ears.

    And here you are showing me that it is both/and. It is our spiritual AND our physical that have so many different ways of seeing and hearing.

    I'm diving into the art!

  6. You are amazing. Thank you for continuing to write through this!
