Thursday, August 4, 2011

Fashion Failure

Just so you know that my sense of humor remains intact, I would like to proclaim that with every recent reading of Beauty Tips for Ministers I discover that I have committed yet another fashion faux pas.

What can I say?

It's been really hot.
I hate capris, but you try to find an elegant pair of full length linen blend pants in a petite-length women's size for less than $150.

Do shorts that cover the knees count as shorts?

I seldom see any appeal in the shoes featured on BTFM.  I am close to becoming someone who would wear flip-flops to the White House.  (OK, not really.)

Last Sunday I violated my own last cardinal rule and preached in a (flowing, not tight) sleeveless top.   I had worn a jacket but ~ it was simply unbearable in that sanctuary.  I concluded that an upright preacher was better than one passed out in the pulpit.  (Besides, I saw on FB that one of my seminary classmates conducted an outdoor wedding while wearing a sleeveless, V-neck black dress, and looked quite elegant and pastoral.)

Anyway:  I just want to confirm that apparently I have no idea how to dress appropriately.  

I suppose that the earth will continue to spin on its axis.


  1. Well, I'm not sure all of PeaceBang's suggestions are appropriate all the time. And I agree with the shoes. Must be an age related thing. The shoes all seem very, very clunky. I wear a flowy capri length pant to church all the time. Even when I was preaching. (Even more shocking: I bought them at Target and they are really pajama bottoms.) I wore a sleeveless deep dark pink dress (and matching pink stole) to officiate at my niece's wedding. And no shoes. Yep, I was barefoot. Of course we were on the Outer Banks.
    Maggie J

  2. When you reach a certain age, you can do anything.
    Maggie J

  3. Let's get Michelle to give an opinion on the earth-spinning and then throw her in the pool :)

  4. I guess I never cared that much what a minister wore, as long as (s)he ministered...

  5. when I went thru psychological evaluation to get "approved" as candidate for ministry, the final line of their report was "not a typical Presbyterian Pastor .. but we think that's refreshing and will be good for the church" ... don't know if I've fulfilled the latter part of that statement, but the first part is right on ... including my attire ... I don't even read about how I'm supposed to dress as a minister, I try to dress appropriate for my body and age in the context in which I am ministering :)

  6. I am always amazed at ministry friends who like PeaceBang. She's so frequently vicious about people who aren't, and/or don't dress like, rich Northeasterners ministering to other rich Northeasterners....And not just people in general but specific people--she went after a RevGal who was furious and traumatized once. So I'd consider not fitting her strictures a compliment, considering the source.

  7. I never knew there was a blog called "Beauty Tips for Ministers." I think she is quite serious, but for some reason, her blog really made me smile. BIG. Thanks for the pointer.
